I’m back!

Guess who’s back from a long hibernation?! Me! So sorry to keep you all waiting.. I know I owe you so much from Chase’s 7th birthday in Hong Kong, Chase’s school party to the kid’s joint party celebration in Jollibee and know that I haven’t forgot all about them. 😉 December was a fun and frantic month for us. If I were to compute our stay at home, maybe it will be less than 10 days for the whole month! We spent the first week in HongKong, The second week preparing for Chase’s school exam, the third week in Baguio City (10 hours drive from home) and the final week in Manila for the kid’s joint birthday party. Then we spend the new year in my husband’s hometown in Cavite. So there! No wonder our utility bills’ went down to almost 70%. 🙂 I hope everyone had a memorable and joyous holidays like us. Happy New year 2015!